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Sims Games

Welcome to a thrilling family simulator! You must have definitely heard about The Sims as this project attracted millions of fans worldwide. The first step is to create your character – decide on his appearance, temper and skills. Then you place him in a world that is similar to the real one where you just need to perform all the same actions as in your everyday life. Moreover, your hero will have to start a family. In other words, the Sims is a real life simulator, where there are no limits and restrictions and you can realize any scenarios you wish. Your characters will have a huge range of what they can do – career, relationships, leisure and entertainment, hobbies and even travel. Everything is randomly generated in this game, so it is almost impossible to predict what events await you in a new session. And that is the most winning feature of this project. Even if you create a hero according to your taste, arrange the life for him, make a house and control his reality – you will not control the surrounding world. Be very careful when you will be selecting your character characteristics as these will influence the plot development and events. Another interesting possibility in this project is creating the house of your dream. You will need to complete many tasks and missions to earn coins as you will need to make purchases in the store. The gameplay is practically endless, so you will enjoy it to the fullest.

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